Hi, welcome to crochet krafts blog for free crochet ideas with my original designs, I share my creation on this blog, hope you like it thanks for stopping by.

Well what is this thing anyway??
Well… Umm.. See… A while ago I was just going through the net and I stumbled across some artfully crocheted rocks on web.
They were both a little odd and strangely beautiful 😍. Inspired, made a few for myself.
To use it as paper weight or as an decorative piece arrange it on a basket and place it on your coffee table, dont you think its gonna look beautiful. Or just gift it to someone special.
Thinking about this I had a dream on the precious pebble.
Walking down the beach, where the sea is blue.
The bright golden sun lights up the sky, and little white waters Come running at you,
A wave comes splashing over your toes,you just stand still and away it goes.
We’ll build a castle, down by the sea and look for some sea shells and pebbles. Select an ocean smoothed stone.
To take these precious pebbles home. To teasure our beautiful memories.
This idea morphed into a full blown art. To create a colorful cover inspired by my dream. I quickly picked up the pebbles which was lying on my flower pot cleaned it well, pull out my crochet hooks and threads and whipped a cute cover.
Join our classes to create your own pebbles.
For more details/business you can mail them At alina@crochetkrafts.com
Well that was how I came about this cute little project. if you like it please share with your friends and also subscribe to our free newsletter by doing this all my future posts will come directly to your mail box.
What do you think about these crochet pebbles? do leave a reply 😊
Have a great day!😊